Plos one author login

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PLoS ONE manuscript submission system – EditorialManager

A peer-reviewed, open access journal in science, medicine, engineering & social sciences.



Prior to submission, authors who believe their manuscripts would benefit from professional editing are encouraged to use language-editing and copyediting …

A peer-reviewed, open access journal in science, medicine, engineering & social sciences.

PLOS ONE manuscript guidelines (saved copy) – INASP Moodle

PLOS ONE manuscript guidelines (saved copy)

SNIP, 1.092 ; Acceptance rate, 69% ; Publication Frequency, Not provided ; Publication Languages. English ; Journal links. Journal website · Author instructions.

PLOS ONE – JournalGuide

Questions about author instructions or billing? Author. Instructions. PLOS ONE,. PLOS Computational. Biology,. PLOS Pathogens,.

Author Guide to submission – 9 titles including PLOS ONE

All submissions go through a pre-publication review by a member of the board of academic editors, who can elect to seek an opinion from an external reviewer. In …

PLOS One – Wikipedia

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